General surgery
At Buck Hospital Specialist and fertility center, General surgery is one of our specialties, with quality equipment and well-trained staff, we provide for both our inpatients and outpatients the best in General surgery.
Be rest assured we have you covered.
With state of the art in equipment and space, we take pride in providing the best operating room has to offer.
Body Lift Surgery
At Buck Hospital Specialist and fertility center, body lift surgery is one of our specialties, with quality equipment and reputable surgeons.
We offer great body lifts to aid those who have lost confidence due to weight or are suffering from underlying health issues as a result of excess weight or fat. We assist them in reflecting on their new, more positive self-image.
We provide the following services:
DRAM Repairs
Breast Lifting
Breast Reduction
Breast Augmentation
Cleft Surgery
Contracture Release
A cleft palate usually is repaired with a surgery called palatoplasty (PAL-eh-tuh-plass-tee) when the baby is 10–12 months old. The goals of palatoplasty are to: Close the opening between the nose and mouth. Help create a palate that works well for speech.
Children with a cleft lip or palate will need several treatments and assessments as they grow up.
We provide the best care possible during this time.